또는 아래 스크립트를 직접 넣어주어도 된다.
// ==UserScript== // @name SaveTube // @version 2015.01.27 // @description Download videos from video sharing web sites. // @author sebaro // @namespace http://isebaro.com/savetube // @icon http://s3.amazonaws.com/uso_ss/icon/130917/large.png // @include http://youtube.com* // @include http://www.youtube.com* // @include https://youtube.com* // @include https://www.youtube.com* // @include http://dailymotion.com* // @include http://www.dailymotion.com* // @include https://dailymotion.com* // @include https://www.dailymotion.com* // @include http://vimeo.com* // @include http://www.vimeo.com* // @include https://vimeo.com* // @include https://www.vimeo.com* // @include http://metacafe.com* // @include http://www.metacafe.com* // @include https://metacafe.com* // @include https://www.metacafe.com* // @include http://break.com* // @include http://www.break.com* // @include https://break.com* // @include https://www.break.com* // @include http://funnyordie.com* // @include http://www.funnyordie.com* // @include https://funnyordie.com* // @include https://www.funnyordie.com* // @include http://videojug.com* // @include http://www.videojug.com* // @include https://videojug.com* // @include https://www.videojug.com* // @include http://blip.tv* // @include http://www.blip.tv* // @include https://blip.tv* // @include https://www.blip.tv* // @include http://veoh.com* // @include http://www.veoh.com* // @include https://veoh.com* // @include https://www.veoh.com* // @include http://crackle.com* // @include http://www.crackle.com* // @include https://crackle.com* // @include https://www.crackle.com* // @include http://viki.com* // @include http://www.viki.com* // @include https://viki.com* // @include https://www.viki.com* // @include http://imdb.com* // @include http://www.imdb.com* // @include https://imdb.com* // @include https://www.imdb.com* // @include http://facebook.com* // @include http://www.facebook.com* // @include https://facebook.com* // @include https://www.facebook.com* // @include https://screen.yahoo.com* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript==
Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 Sebastian Luncan
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Website: http://isebaro.com/savetube Contact: http://isebaro.com/contact
(function() {
// Don't run on frames or iframes if (window.top != window.self) return;
// ==========Variables========== //
// Userscript var userscript = 'SaveTube';
// Page var page = {win: window, doc: document, body: document.body, url: window.location.href, site: window.location.hostname.match(/([^.]+)\.[^.]+$/)[1]};
// Saver var saver = {}; var feature = {'definition': true, 'container': true, 'autoget': false}; var option = {'definition': 'HD', 'container': 'MP4', 'autoget': false};
// Links var website = 'http://isebaro.com/savetube/?ln=en'; var contact = 'http://isebaro.com/contact/?ln=en&sb=savetube';
// ==========Functions========== //
createMyElement (type, content, event, action, target) {
var obj = page.doc.createElement(type);
if (content) {
if (type == 'div') obj.innerHTML = content;
if (type == 'option') { obj.value = content; obj.innerHTML = content; } }
if (event == 'change') {
if (target == 'video') { obj.addEventListener ('change', function () { saver['videoSave'] = this.value; if (feature['autoget']) { if (option['autoget']) getMyVideo(); } else { modifyMyElement (saver['buttonGet'] , 'div', 'Get', false); } }, false); } }
if (event == 'click') { obj.addEventListener ('click', function () {
if (action == 'close') { removeMyElement(page.body, target); }
if (action == 'logo') { page.win.location.href = website; }
if (action == 'get') { getMyVideo(); }
if (action == 'autoget') { option['autoget'] = (option['autoget']) ? false : true; if (option['autoget']) { styleMyElement (saver['buttonGet'], {display: 'none'}); styleMyElement (saver['buttonAutoget'], {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'}); getMyVideo(); } else { styleMyElement (saver['buttonGet'], {display: 'inline'}); styleMyElement (saver['buttonAutoget'], {color: '#CCCCCC', textShadow: '0px 0px 0px'}); } setMyOptions ('autoget', option['autoget']); }
if (action == 'definition') { for (var itemDef = 0; itemDef < option['definitions'].length; itemDef++) { if (option['definitions'][itemDef].match(/[A-Z]/g).join('') == option['definition']) { var nextDef = (itemDef + 1 < option['definitions'].length) ? itemDef + 1 : 0; option['definition'] = option['definitions'][nextDef].match(/[A-Z]/g).join(''); break; } } modifyMyElement (saver['buttonDefinition'], 'div', option['definition'], false); setMyOptions ('definition', option['definition']); modifyMyElement (saver['buttonGet'] , 'div', 'Get', false); selectMyVideo (); if (option['autoget']) getMyVideo(); }
if (action == 'container') { for (var itemCont = 0; itemCont < option['containers'].length; itemCont++) { if (option['containers'][itemCont] == option['container']) { var nextCont = (itemCont + 1 < option['containers'].length) ? itemCont + 1 : 0; option['container'] = option['containers'][nextCont]; break; } } modifyMyElement (saver['buttonContainer'], 'div', option['container'], false); setMyOptions ('container', option['container']); modifyMyElement (saver['buttonGet'] , 'div', 'Get', false); selectMyVideo (); if (option['autoget']) getMyVideo(); } }, false); }
return obj; }
getMyElement (obj, type, from, value, child, content) {
var getObj, chObj, coObj;
var pObj = (!obj) ? page.doc : obj;
if (type == 'body') getObj = pObj.body;
else {
if (from == 'id') getObj = pObj.getElementById(value);
if (from == 'class') getObj = pObj.getElementsByClassName(value);
if (from == 'tag') getObj = pObj.getElementsByTagName(type);
if (from == 'ns') getObj = pObj.getElementsByTagNameNS(value, type); } chObj = (child >= 0) ? getObj[child] : getObj;
if (content && chObj) {
if (type == 'html' || type == 'body' || type == 'div' || type == 'option') coObj = chObj.innerHTML;
if (type == 'object') coObj = chObj.data;
else coObj = chObj.textContent;
return coObj; }
else {
return chObj; } }
modifyMyElement (obj, type, content, clear) {
if (content) {
if (type == 'div') obj.innerHTML = content;
if (type == 'option') { obj.value = content; obj.innerHTML = content; } }
if (clear) {
if (obj.hasChildNodes()) {
while (obj.childNodes.length >= 1) { obj.removeChild(obj.firstChild); } } } }
styleMyElement (obj, styles) {
for (var property in styles) {
if (styles.hasOwnProperty(property)) obj.style[property] = styles[property]; } }
appendMyElement (parent, child) { parent.appendChild(child); }
removeMyElement (parent, child) { parent.removeChild(child); }
replaceMyElement (parent, orphan, child) { parent.replaceChild(orphan, child); }
createMySaver () {
/* Get My Options */ getMyOptions ();
/* Saver Settings */ saver['panelHeight'] = 18; saver['panelPadding'] = 2;
/* The Panel */
var panelWidth = saver['saverWidth'] - saver['panelPadding'] * 2; saver['saverPanel'] = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], {position: 'relative', width: panelWidth + 'px', height: saver['panelHeight'] + 'px', display: 'block', padding: saver['panelPadding'] + 'px', backgroundColor: '#F4F4F4', fontSize: '12px', textAlign: 'center'}); appendMyElement (saver['saverSocket'], saver['saverPanel']);
/* Warnings */
if (saver['warnMess']) {
if (saver['warnContent']) showMyMessage (saver['warnMess'], saver['warnContent']);
else showMyMessage (saver['warnMess']);
return; }
/* Panel Items */
var panelItemBorder = 1;
var panelItemHeight = saver['panelHeight'] - panelItemBorder * 2;
/* Panel Logo */ saver['panelLogo'] = createMyElement ('div', userscript + ': ', 'click', 'logo', ''); styleMyElement (saver['panelLogo'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', padding: '0px', display: 'inline', color: '#336699', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'}); appendMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], saver['panelLogo']);
/* Panel Video Menu */ saver['videoMenu'] = createMyElement ('select', '', 'change', '', 'video'); styleMyElement (saver['videoMenu'], {width: '200px', height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid transparent', padding: '0px', display: 'inline', backgroundColor: 'inherit', color: '#336699', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', verticalAlign: 'baseline', cursor: 'pointer'}); appendMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], saver['videoMenu'] );
for (var videoCode in saver['videoList']) { saver['videoItem'] = createMyElement ('option', videoCode, '', '', ''); styleMyElement (saver['videoItem'], {padding: '0px', display: 'block', color: '#336699', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
if (videoCode.indexOf('Video') != -1 || videoCode.indexOf('Audio') != -1) styleMyElement (saver['videoItem'], {color: '#8F6B32'}); appendMyElement (saver['videoMenu'], saver['videoItem']); }
/* Panel Get Button */ saver['buttonGet'] = createMyElement ('div', 'Get', 'click', 'get', ''); styleMyElement (saver['buttonGet'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#C000C0', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'});
if (option['autoget']) styleMyElement (saver['buttonGet'], {display: 'none'}); appendMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonGet']);
/* Panel Autoget Button */
if (feature['autoget']) { saver['buttonAutoget'] = createMyElement ('div', 'Autoget', 'click', 'autoget', ''); styleMyElement (saver['buttonAutoget'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#CCCCCC', fontSize: '12px', cursor: 'pointer'});
if (option['autoget']) styleMyElement (saver['buttonAutoget'], {color: '#008080', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC'}); appendMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonAutoget']); }
/* Panel Definition Button */
if (feature['definition']) { saver['buttonDefinition'] = createMyElement ('div', option['definition'], 'click', 'definition', ''); styleMyElement (saver['buttonDefinition'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#008000', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'}); appendMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonDefinition']); }
/* Panel Container Button */
if (feature['container']) { saver['buttonContainer'] = createMyElement ('div', option['container'], 'click', 'container', ''); styleMyElement (saver['buttonContainer'], {height: panelItemHeight + 'px', border: '1px solid #CCCCCC', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '0px 5px', display: 'inline', color: '#008000', fontSize: '12px', textShadow: '0px 1px 1px #CCCCCC', cursor: 'pointer'}); appendMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], saver['buttonContainer']); }
/* Select The Video */
if (feature['definition'] || feature['container']) selectMyVideo ();
/* Get The Video On Autoget */
if (option['autoget']) getMyVideo(); }
selectMyVideo () {
var vdoCont = (option['container'] != 'Any') ? [option['container']] : option['containers'];
var vdoDef = option['definitions'];
var vdoList = {};
for (var vC = 0; vC < vdoCont.length; vC++) {
if (vdoCont[vC] != 'Any') {
for (var vD = 0; vD < vdoDef.length; vD++) { var format = vdoDef[vD] + '
' + vdoCont[vC]; if (!vdoList[vdoDef[vD]]) { for (var vL in saver['videoList']) { if (vL == format) { vdoList[vdoDef[vD]] = vL; break; } } } } } }
if (option['definition'] == 'UHD') {
if (vdoList['Ultra High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Ultra High Definition'];
if (vdoList['Full High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Full High Definition'];
if (vdoList['High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['High Definition'];
if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Standard Definition'];
if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition']; }
if (option['definition'] == 'FHD') {
if (vdoList['Full High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Full High Definition'];
if (vdoList['High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['High Definition'];
if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Standard Definition'];
if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition']; }
if (option['definition'] == 'HD') {
if (vdoList['High Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['High Definition'];
if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Standard Definition'];
if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition']; }
if (option['definition'] == 'SD') {
if (vdoList['Standard Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Standard Definition'];
if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition']; }
if (option['definition'] == 'LD') {
if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition'];
if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition']; }
if (option['definition'] == 'VLD') {
if (vdoList['Very Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Very Low Definition'];
if (vdoList['Low Definition']) saver['videoSave'] = vdoList['Low Definition']; } saver['videoMenu'].value = saver['videoSave']; }
getMyVideo () {
var vdoURL = saver['videoList'][saver['videoSave']];
if (saver['videoTitle']) {
var vdoD = ' (' + saver['videoSave'] + ')'; vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Ultra High Definition/, 'UHD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Full High Definition/, 'FHD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/High Definition/, 'HD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Standard Definition/, 'SD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Very Low Definition/, 'VLD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/Low Definition/, 'LD'); vdoD = vdoD.replace(/\sFLV|\sMP4|\sWebM|\s3GP/g, ''); vdoURL = vdoURL + '&title=' + saver['videoTitle'] + vdoD; }
if (feature['autoget'] && !saver['videoSave'].match(/(Video|Audio)/)) page.win.location.href = vdoURL;
else {
var vdoLink = 'Get <a href="' + vdoURL + '" style="color:#00892C">Link</a>'; modifyMyElement (saver['buttonGet'] , 'div', vdoLink, false); } }
cleanMyContent (content, unesc) {
var myNewContent = content;
if (unesc) myNewContent = unescape (myNewContent); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\u0025/g,'%'); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\u0026/g,'&'); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\\/g,''); myNewContent = myNewContent.replace (/\n/g,'');
return myNewContent; }
getMyContent (url, pattern, clean) {
var myPageContent, myVideosParse, myVideosContent;
var isIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf('Internet Explorer') != -1) ? true : false;
var getMethod = (url != page.url || isIE) ? 'XHR' : 'DOM';
if (getMethod == 'DOM') { myPageContent = getMyElement ('', 'html', 'tag', '', 0, true);
if (!myPageContent) myPageContent = getMyElement ('', 'body', '', '', -1, true);
if (clean) myPageContent = cleanMyContent (myPageContent, true); myVideosParse = myPageContent.match (pattern); myVideosContent = (myVideosParse) ? myVideosParse[1] : null;
if (myVideosContent) return myVideosContent;
else getMethod = 'XHR'; }
if (getMethod == 'XHR') {
var xmlHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHTTP.open('GET', url, false); xmlHTTP.send();
if (pattern == 'XML') { myVideosContent = xmlHTTP.responseXML; }
if (pattern == 'TEXT') { myVideosContent = xmlHTTP.responseText; }
else { myPageContent = xmlHTTP.responseText;
if (clean) myPageContent = cleanMyContent (myPageContent, true); myVideosParse = myPageContent.match (pattern); myVideosContent = (myVideosParse) ? myVideosParse[1] : null; }
return myVideosContent; } }
setMyOptions (key, value) { key = page.site + '_' + userscript.toLowerCase() + '_' + key;
if (typeof GM_setValue === 'function') { GM_setValue(key, value);
if (typeof GM_getValue === 'function' && GM_getValue(key) == value) return; }
try { localStorage.setItem(key, value);
if (localStorage.getItem(key) == value) return;
false; }
catch(e) {
var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (356*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString(); page.doc.cookie = key + '=' + value + expires + '; path=/'; } }
getMyOptions () {
for (var opt in option) {
if (option.hasOwnProperty(opt)) {
var key = page.site + '_' + userscript.toLowerCase() + '_' + opt;
if (typeof GM_getValue === 'function') { if (GM_getValue(key)) { option[opt] = GM_getValue(key); continue; } }
try { if (localStorage.getItem(key)) { option[opt] = localStorage.getItem(key); continue; } else
false; }
catch (e) { var cookies = page.doc.cookie.split(';'); for (var i=0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i]; while (cookie.charAt(0) == '
') cookie = cookie.substring(1, cookie.length); option[opt] = (cookie.indexOf(key) == 0) ? cookie.substring(key.length + 1, cookie.length) : option[opt]; } } } } option['autoget'] = (option['autoget'] === true || option['autoget'] == 'true') ? true : false; }
showMyMessage (cause, content) {
var myScriptLogo = createMyElement ('div', userscript, '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myScriptLogo, {margin: '0px auto', padding: '10px', color: '#666666', fontSize: '24px', textAlign: 'center', textShadow: '#FFFFFF -1px -1px 2px'});
var myScriptMess = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myScriptMess, {border: '1px solid #F4F4F4', margin: '5px auto 5px auto', padding: '10px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', color: '#AD0000', textAlign: 'center'});
if (cause == '!player') {
var myScriptAlert = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myScriptAlert, {position: 'absolute', top: '30%', left: '35%', border: '1px solid #F4F4F4', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '10px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: '14px', textAlign: 'center', zIndex: '99999'}); appendMyElement (myScriptAlert, myScriptLogo);
var myNoPlayerMess = 'Couldn\'t get the player element. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.'; modifyMyElement (myScriptMess, 'div', myNoPlayerMess, false); appendMyElement (myScriptAlert, myScriptMess);
var myScriptAlertButton = createMyElement ('div', 'OK', 'click', 'close', myScriptAlert); styleMyElement (myScriptAlertButton, {width: '100px', border: '3px solid #EEEEEE', borderRadius: '5px', margin: '0px auto', backgroundColor: '#EEEEEE', color: '#666666', fontSize: '18px', textAlign: 'center', textShadow: '#FFFFFF -1px -1px 2px', cursor: 'pointer'}); appendMyElement (myScriptAlert, myScriptAlertButton); appendMyElement (page.body, myScriptAlert); }
else { styleMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], {color: '#AD0000'});
if (cause == '!content') {
var myNoContentMess = '<b>SaveTube:</b> Couldn\'t get the videos content. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.'; modifyMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], 'div', myNoContentMess, false); }
if (cause == '!videos') {
var myNoVideosMess = '<b>SaveTube:</b> Couldn\'t get any video. Please report it <a href="' + contact + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.'; modifyMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], 'div', myNoVideosMess, false); }
if (cause == '!support') {
var myNoSupportMess = '<b>SaveTube:</b> This video uses the RTMP protocol which is not supported.'; modifyMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], 'div', myNoSupportMess, false); }
if (cause == 'embed') {
var myEmbedMess = '<b>SaveTube:</b> This is an embedded video. You can get it <a href="' + content + '" style="color:#00892C">here</a>.'; modifyMyElement (saver['saverPanel'], 'div', myEmbedMess, false); } } }
// ==========Websites========== //
// Force page reload on href change page.win.setInterval(function() { nurl = page.win.location.href;
if (page.url != nurl) {
// YouTube
if (nurl.indexOf('youtube.com') != -1) {
if (nurl.indexOf('youtube.com/watch') != -1) page.win.location.href = nurl; }
// Facebook
if (nurl.indexOf('facebook.com') != -1) {
if (nurl.indexOf('facebook.com/video.php?v=') != -1) { page.win.location.href = nurl.replace('&theater', ''); } }
// Others
else { page.win.location.href = nurl; } } }, 500);
// =====YouTube===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('youtube.com/watch') != -1) {
/* Video Availability */
if (!getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'watch7-player-age-gate-content', -1, false)) {
var ytVideoAvailable = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'player-unavailable', -1, false);
if (ytVideoAvailable && ytVideoAvailable.className.indexOf('hid') == -1) return; }
/* Decrypt Signature */
var ytScriptSrc;
ytDecryptSignature (s) {return
ytDecryptFunction () {
var ytSignFuncName, ytSignFuncBody, ytSwapFuncName, ytSwapFuncBody, ytFuncMatch; ytSignFuncName = ytScriptSrc.match(/\.signature\s*=\s*((\$|_|\w)+)\(\w+\)/); ytSignFuncName = (ytSignFuncName) ? ytSignFuncName[1] : null;
if (!ytSignFuncName) { ytSignFuncName = ytScriptSrc.match(/"signature"\s*,\s*(.*?)\(/); ytSignFuncName = (ytSignFuncName) ? ytSignFuncName[1] : null; }
if (ytSignFuncName) { ytFuncMatch = 'function\\s+' + ytSignFuncName.replace(/\$/, '\\$') + '\\s*\\(\\w+\\)\\s*\\{(.*?)\\}'; ytSignFuncBody = ytScriptSrc.match(ytFuncMatch); ytSignFuncBody = (ytSignFuncBody) ? ytSignFuncBody[1] : null;
if (ytSignFuncBody) { ytSwapFuncName = ytSignFuncBody.match(/((\$|_|\w)+)\.(\$|_|\w)+\(\w,[0-9]+\)/); ytSwapFuncName = (ytSwapFuncName) ? ytSwapFuncName[1] : null; if (ytSwapFuncName) { ytFuncMatch = 'var\\s+' + ytSwapFuncName.replace(/\$/, '\\$') + '=\\s*\\{(.*?)\\};'; ytSwapFuncBody = ytScriptSrc.match(ytFuncMatch); ytSwapFuncBody = (ytSwapFuncBody) ? ytSwapFuncBody[1] : null; } if (ytSwapFuncBody) ytSignFuncBody = 'var ' + ytSwapFuncName + '={' + ytSwapFuncBody + '};' + ytSignFuncBody; ytSignFuncBody = 'try {' + ytSignFuncBody + '} catch(e) {return null}'; ytDecryptSignature = new Function('a', ytSignFuncBody); } } }
/* Get Player Window */
var ytPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'player', -1, false);
if (!ytPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Get Video Title */
var ytVideoTitle = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta\\s+itemprop="name"\\s+content="(.*?)"', false);
if (!ytVideoTitle) ytVideoTitle = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta\\s+property="og:title"\\s+content="(.*?)"', false);
if (!ytVideoTitle) ytVideoTitle = page.doc.title;
if (ytVideoTitle) { ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/"/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\'').replace(/"/g, '\''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/'/g, '\'').replace(/'/g, '\''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/&/g, 'and').replace(/&/g, 'and'); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/\?/g, '').replace(/[#:\*]/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '-'); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').replace(/\.+$/g, ''); ytVideoTitle = ytVideoTitle.replace(/^YouTube\s-\s/, ''); }
/* Get Videos Content */
var ytVideosContent, ytHLSContent;
var ytVideosEncodedFmts, ytVideosAdaptiveFmts; ytVideosEncodedFmts = getMyContent(page.url, '"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) ytVideosEncodedFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosEncodedFmts, false); ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = getMyContent(page.url, '"adaptive_fmts":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
if (ytVideosAdaptiveFmts) ytVideosAdaptiveFmts = cleanMyContent(ytVideosAdaptiveFmts, false);
if (ytVideosEncodedFmts) { ytVideosContent = ytVideosEncodedFmts; }
else {
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else ytVideosContent = ytVideosAdaptiveFmts; }
/* Get HLS Content */
if (!ytVideosContent) {
var ytHLSVideos, ytHLSContent; ytHLSVideos = getMyContent(page.url, '"hlsvp":\\s*"(.*?)"', false);
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/* Fix Sidebar */
var ytSidebarWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'watch7-sidebar', -1, false);
if (ytSidebarWindow) styleMyElement(ytSidebarWindow, {marginTop: '-412px'});
/* Create Saver */
var ytDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
ytSaver () { saver = {'saverSocket': ytPlayerWindow, 'videoList': ytVideoList, 'videoSave': ytDefaultVideo, 'videoTitle': ytVideoTitle, 'saverWidth': 640}; option['definitions'] = ['Ultra High Definition', 'Full High Definition', 'High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4', 'WebM', 'FLV', '3GP', 'Any']; }
/* Parse Videos */
ytVideos() {
var ytVideoFormats = { '5': 'Very Low Definition FLV', '17': 'Very Low Definition 3GP', '18': 'Low Definition MP4', '22': 'High Definition MP4', '34': 'Low Definition FLV', '35': 'Standard Definition FLV', '36': 'Low Definition 3GP', '37': 'Full High Definition MP4', '38': 'Ultra High Definition MP4', '43': 'Low Definition WebM', '44': 'Standard Definition WebM', '45': 'High Definition WebM', '46': 'Full High Definition WebM', '82': 'Low Definition 3D MP4', '83': 'Standard Definition 3D MP4', '84': 'High Definition 3D MP4', '85': 'Full High Definition 3D MP4', '100': 'Low Definition 3D WebM', '101': 'Standard Definition 3D WebM', '102': 'High Definition 3D WebM', '135': 'Standard Definition Video MP4', '136': 'High Definition Video MP4', '137': 'Full High Definition Video MP4', '138': 'Ultra High Definition Video MP4', '139': 'Low Bitrate Audio MP4', '140': 'Medium Bitrate Audio MP4', '141': 'High Bitrate Audio MP4', '171': 'Medium Bitrate Audio WebM', '172': 'High Bitrate Audio WebM', '244': 'Standard Definition Video WebM', '247': 'High Definition Video WebM', '248': 'Full High Definition Video WebM', '266': 'Ultra High Definition Video MP4', '272': 'Ultra High Definition Video WebM', '298': 'High Definition Video MP4', '299': 'Full High Definition Video MP4', '302': 'High Definition Video WebM', '303': 'Full High Definition Video WebM', '313': 'Ultra High Definition Video WebM' };
var ytVideoFound = false;
var ytVideos = ytVideosContent.split(',');
var ytVideoParse, ytVideoCodeParse, ytVideoCode, myVideoCode, ytVideo;
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if (ytVideo.match(/&s=/)) { var ytSig = ytVideo.match(/&s=(.*?)(&|$)/); if (ytSig) { var s = ytSig[1]; s = ytDecryptSignature(s); if (s) ytVideo = ytVideo.replace(/&s=.*?(&|$)/, '&signature=' + s + '$1'); else ytVideo = ''; } else ytVideo = ''; } ytVideo = cleanMyContent (ytVideo, true); if (ytVideo.indexOf('ratebypass') == -1) ytVideo += '&ratebypass=yes'; if (ytVideo && ytVideo.indexOf('http') == 0) { if (!ytVideoFound) ytVideoFound = true; ytVideoList[myVideoCode] = ytVideo; } } } }
if (ytVideoFound) { /* Create Saver */ feature['autoget'] = true; ytSaver(); createMySaver(); }
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/* Parse HLS */
ytHLS() {
var ytHLSFormats = { '92': 'Very Low Definition MP4', '93': 'Low Definition MP4', '94': 'Standard Definition MP4', '95': 'High Definition MP4', '96': 'Full High Definition MP4'
}; ytVideoList["Any Definition MP4"] = ytHLSVideos;
if (ytHLSContent) { var ytHLSVideo, ytVideoCodeParse, ytVideoCode, myVideoCode; var ytHLSMatcher = new RegExp('(http.*?m3u8)', 'g'); ytHLSVideos = ytHLSContent.match(ytHLSMatcher); if (ytHLSVideos) { for (var i = 0; i < ytHLSVideos.length; i++) { ytHLSVideo = ytHLSVideos[i]; ytVideoCodeParse = ytHLSVideo.match(/\/itag\/(\d{1,3})\//); ytVideoCode = (ytVideoCodeParse) ? ytVideoCodeParse[1] : null; if (ytVideoCode) { myVideoCode = ytHLSFormats[ytVideoCode]; if (myVideoCode && ytHLSVideo) { ytVideoList[myVideoCode] = ytHLSVideo; } } } } }
/* Create Saver */ ytVideoTitle = null; ytDefaultVideo = 'Any Definition MP4'; ytSaver(); createMySaver(); }
/* Get Videos */
var ytVideoList = {};
if (ytVideosContent) {
if (ytVideosContent.match(/&s=/) || ytVideosContent.match(/,s=/)) { var ytScriptURL = getMyContent(page.url, '"js":\\s*"(.*?)"', true); if (ytScriptURL) { ytScriptURL = page.win.location.protocol + ytScriptURL; try { ytScriptSrc = getMyContent(ytScriptURL, 'TEXT', false); if (ytScriptSrc) ytDecryptFunction(); ytVideos(); } catch (e) { try { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: ytScriptURL, onload: function(response) { if (response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200) { ytScriptSrc = response.responseText; } if (ytScriptSrc) ytDecryptFunction(); ytVideos(); } }); } catch (e) { ytVideos(); } } } else { ytVideos(); } }
else { ytVideos(); } }
else {
if (ytHLSVideos) { try { ytHLSContent = getMyContent(ytHLSVideos, 'TEXT', false); ytHLS(); } catch (e) { try { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: ytHLSVideos, onload: function(response) { if (response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200) { ytHLSContent = response.responseText; } ytHLS(); } }); } catch (e) { ytHLS(); } } }
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// =====DailyMotion===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('dailymotion.com/video') != -1) {
/* Get Player Window */
var dmPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'js-player-box', 0, false);
if (!dmPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Get Videos Content */
var dmEmbed = page.url.replace(/\/video\//, "/embed/video/"); dmVideosContent = getMyContent (dmEmbed, 'info\\s+=\\s+\\{(.*)\\},', false);
/* Get Videos */
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var dmVideoList = {};
var dmVideoFound = false;
var dmVideoParser, dmVideoParse, myVideoCode, dmVideo;
for (var dmVideoCode in dmVideoFormats) { dmVideoParser = '"' + dmVideoCode + '":"(.*?)"'; dmVideoParse = dmVideosContent.match (dmVideoParser); dmVideo = (dmVideoParse) ? dmVideoParse[1] : null; if (dmVideo) { if (!dmVideoFound) dmVideoFound = true; dmVideo = cleanMyContent(dmVideo, true); myVideoCode = dmVideoFormats[dmVideoCode]; if (!dmVideoList[myVideoCode]) dmVideoList[myVideoCode] = dmVideo; } }
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else { saver = {'saverSocket': dmPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 800, 'warnMess': '!videos'}; createMySaver (); } }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': dmPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 800, 'warnMess': '!content'}; createMySaver (); } }
// =====Vimeo===== //
if (page.url.match(/vimeo.com\/\d+/) || page.url.match(/vimeo.com\/channels\/[^\/]*($|\/page|\/\d+)/) || page.url.match(/vimeo.com\/originals\/[^\/]*\/\d+/) || page.url.match(/vimeo.com\/album\/\d+\/video\/\d+/)) {
/* Multi Video Page */
if (getMyElement('', 'div', 'class', 'player_container', -1, false).length > 1) return;
/* Saver Width */
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/* Get Player Window */
var viPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'player_container', 0, false) || null;
if (!viPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Restyle Player Window */ styleMyElement (viPlayerWindow, {margin: '0px 0px 20px 0px'});
/* Get Content Source */
var viVideoSource = getMyContent (page.url, 'data-config-url="(.*?)"', false).replace(/&/g, '&');
/* Get Videos Content */
var viVideosContent;
if (viVideoSource) { viVideosContent = getMyContent(viVideoSource, '"h264":\\{(.*?)\\}\\}', false);
if (!viVideosContent) viVideosContent = getMyContent(viVideoSource, '"vp6":\\{(.*?)\\}\\}', false); }
/* Get Videos */
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var viVideoFormats = {'hd': 'High Definition MP4', 'sd': 'Low Definition MP4', 'mobile': 'Very Low Definition MP4'};
var viVideoList = {};
var viVideoFound = false;
var viPattern, viMatcher, viVideo, myVideoCode;
for (var viVideoCode in viVideoFormats) { viPattern = '"' + viVideoCode + '":\\{.*?"url":"(.*?)"'; viMatcher = viVideosContent.match(viPattern); viVideo = (viMatcher) ? viMatcher[1] : null; if (viVideo) { if (!viVideoFound) viVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = viVideoFormats[viVideoCode]; viVideoList[myVideoCode] = viVideo; } }
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// =====MetaCafe===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('metacafe.com/watch') != -1) {
/* Get Player Window */
var mcPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'FlashWrap', -1, false);
if (!mcPlayerWindow) mcPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'ItemContainer', -1, false);
if (!mcPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Check Video Availability */
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/* Restyle Player Window */ styleMyElement (mcPlayerWindow, {margin: '0px 0px 30px 0px'});
/* Get Videos Content */
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var mcFlashVideo = getMyElement (mcPlayerWindow, 'embed', 'tag', '', 0, false) || getMyElement (mcPlayerWindow, 'object', 'tag', '', 0, false);
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else mcVideo = getMyContent (page.url, 'video\\s+src="(.*?)"', false);
/* Get Videos */
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var mcVideoList = {};
var mcVideoFound = false;
if (mcVideosContent) { mcVideosContent = cleanMyContent(mcVideosContent, true); var mcVideoFormats = {'highDefinitionMP4': 'High Definition MP4', 'MP4': 'Low Definition MP4', 'flv': 'Low Definition FLV'}; var mcVideoParser, mcVideoParse, myVideoCode, mcVideoPath, mcVideoKey, mcVideo; for (var mcVideoCode in mcVideoFormats) { mcVideoParser = '"' + mcVideoCode + '":\\{.*?"mediaURL":"(.*?)","access":\\[\\{"key":"(.*?)","value":"(.*?)"\\}\\]\\}'; mcVideoParse = mcVideosContent.match (mcVideoParser); mcVideoPath = (mcVideoParse) ? mcVideoParse[1] : null; mcVideoKeyName = (mcVideoParse) ? mcVideoParse[2] : null; mcVideoKeyValue = (mcVideoParse) ? mcVideoParse[3] : null; if (mcVideoPath && mcVideoKeyName && mcVideoKeyValue) { if (!mcVideoFound) mcVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = mcVideoFormats[mcVideoCode]; mcVideo = mcVideoPath + '?' + mcVideoKeyName + '=' + mcVideoKeyValue; mcVideoList[myVideoCode] = mcVideo; } } }
else { mcVideoList['Low Definition MP4'] = mcVideo; mcVideoFound = true; feature['definition'] = false; feature['container'] = false; }
if (mcVideoFound) { /* Create Saver */ var mcDefaultVideo = (mcVideoList['Low Definition MP4']) ? 'Low Definition MP4' : 'Low Definition FLV'; saver = {'saverSocket': mcPlayerWindow, 'videoList': mcVideoList, 'videoSave': mcDefaultVideo, 'saverWidth': 640}; option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4', 'FLV', 'Any']; createMySaver (); }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': mcPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 640, 'warnMess': '!videos'}; createMySaver (); } }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': mcPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 640};
var ytVideoId = page.url.match (/\/yt-(.*?)\//);
if (ytVideoId && ytVideoId[1]) { var ytVideoLink = 'http://youtube.com/watch?v=' + ytVideoId[1]; saver['warnMess'] = 'embed'; saver['warnContent'] = ytVideoLink; }
else saver['warnMess'] = '!videos'; createMySaver (); } }
// =====Break===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('break.com/video') != -1) {
/* Get Player Window */
var brPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'video-player', -1, false);
if (!brPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Saver Width */
var brWindowWidth = page.win.innerWidth || page.doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
var brSaverWidth;
if (brWindowWidth > 1400) brSaverWidth = 832;
else brSaverWidth = 592;
/* Get Video ID */
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/* Get Videos Content */
var brSource = page.win.location.protocol + '//' + page.win.location.hostname + '/embed/' + brVideoID;
var brVideosContent = getMyContent (brSource, 'TEXT', false);
/* Get Videos */
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var brVideoList = {};
var brVideoFormats = {};
var brVideoFound = false;
var brVideoFormats = {'320_kbps.mp4': 'Very Low Definition MP4', '496_kbps.mp4': 'Low Definition MP4', '864_kbps.mp4': 'Standard Definition MP4', '2240_kbps.mp4': 'High Definition MP4'};
var brVideoPath, brVideoToken, brVideoThumb, brVideo, myVideoCode; brVideoPath = brVideosContent.match (/"videoUri":\s"(.*?)496_kbps/); brVideoPath = (brVideoPath) ? brVideoPath[1] : null; brVideoToken = brVideosContent.match (/"AuthToken":\s"(.*?)"/); brVideoToken = (brVideoToken) ? brVideoToken[1] : null;
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// =====FunnyOrDie===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('funnyordie.com/videos') != -1) {
/* Get Player Window */
var fodPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'video-content', 0, false);
if (!fodPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* My Saver Socket */
var fodSaverSocket = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (fodSaverSocket, {width: '100%', height: '24px', textAlign: 'center', padding: '0px 100px 0px 100px', backgroundColor: '#F4F4F4'}); appendMyElement (fodPlayerWindow, fodSaverSocket);
/* Get Videos Content */
var fodVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, '<video([\\s\\S]*?)video>', false);
/* Get Videos */
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var fodVideoFormats = {'v2500.mp4': 'High Definition MP4', 'v1800.mp4': 'Standard Definition MP4', 'v600.mp4': 'Low Definition MP4', 'v600.webm': 'Low Definition WebM', 'v110.mp4': 'Very Low Definition MP4'};
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var fodVideoFound = false;
var fodVideoPath, fodVideoCodes, fodVideo, myVideoCode; fodVideoPath = fodVideosContent.match(/src="(.*?)v\d+.*?\.mp4"/); fodVideoPath = (fodVideoPath) ? fodVideoPath[1] : null; fodVideoCodes = fodVideosContent.match (/v,(.*?),\./); fodVideoCodes = (fodVideoCodes) ? fodVideoCodes[1] : '';
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else { saver = {'saverSocket': fodPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 570, 'warnMess': '!content'}; createMySaver (); } }
// =====Videojug===== //
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/* Get Player Window */
var vjPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'player_shadow', -1, false);
var vjPlayerWidth;
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if (page.url.indexOf("videojug.com/series") != -1) vjPlayerWidth = 768;
if (!vjPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Get Videos Content */
var vjVideoID = getMyContent (page.url, 'data-videoid="(.*?)"', true);
var vjVideoTitle = getMyContent (page.url, 'data-filenameprefix="(.*?)"', true);
/* Get Videos */
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var vjVideoID2 = vjVideoID.substring(0,2);
var vjVideoProtocol = page.win.location.protocol;
var vjVideoSource = vjVideoProtocol + '//' + page.win.location.hostname + '/views/film/playlist.aspx?id=' + vjVideoID;
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var vjVideoFound = false;
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// =====Blip===== //
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/* Get Player Window */
var blipSaverWidth;
var blipPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'Theater', 0, false) || getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'ErrorWrap', -1, false);
if (!blipPlayerWindow) { blipPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'PlayerEmbed', -1, false); blipSaverWidth = 596; }
else { blipSaverWidth = 960; }
if (!blipPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* My Saver Socket */
var blipSaverSocket = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (blipSaverSocket, {width: blipSaverWidth + 'px', textAlign: 'center', margin: '0px auto'}); appendMyElement (blipPlayerWindow, blipSaverSocket);
/* Get Videos Content */
var blipVideosContent = getMyContent(page.url + '?skin=json', '"additionalMedia":\\[(.*?)\\]', false);
/* Get Videos */
if (blipVideosContent) {
var blipVideoList = {};
var blipVideoFound = false;
var blipMimeTypes = {'video/x-m4v': 'M4V', 'video/quicktime': 'MOV', 'video/mp4': 'MP4', 'video/x-flv': 'FLV'};
var blipVideos = blipVideosContent.split(',{');
var blipVideoURL, blipVideoMime, blipVideoHeight, blipVideoRole, blipVideoDef, blipVideoCode;
var blipDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4';
for (var blipV = 0; blipV < blipVideos.length; blipV++) { blipVideoMime = blipVideos[blipV].match(/"primary_mime_type":"(.*?)"/); blipVideoMime = (blipVideoMime) ? blipVideoMime[1] : null; if (blipMimeTypes[blipVideoMime]) { blipVideoURL = blipVideos[blipV].match(/"url":"(.*?)"/); blipVideoURL = (blipVideoURL) ? blipVideoURL[1] : null; blipVideoHeight = blipVideos[blipV].match(/"media_height":"(.*?)"/); blipVideoHeight = (blipVideoHeight) ? blipVideoHeight[1] : null; blipVideoRole = blipVideos[blipV].match(/"role":"(.*?)"/); blipVideoRole = (blipVideoRole) ? blipVideoRole[1] : null; if (blipVideoURL && blipVideoHeight && blipVideoRole) { if (!blipVideoFound) blipVideoFound = true; if (blipVideoHeight >= 200 && blipVideoHeight < 400) blipVideoDef = 'Low Definition'; else
if (blipVideoHeight >= 400 && blipVideoHeight < 700) blipVideoDef = 'Standard Definition'; else
if (blipVideoHeight >= 700) blipVideoDef = 'High Definition'; blipVideoCode = blipVideoDef + '
' + blipMimeTypes[blipVideoMime]; blipVideoList[blipVideoCode] = blipVideoURL; if (blipVideoRole == 'Source') blipDefaultVideo = blipVideoCode; } } }
if (blipVideoFound) { /* Create Saver */ saver = {'saverSocket': blipSaverSocket, 'videoList': blipVideoList, 'videoSave': blipDefaultVideo, 'saverWidth': blipSaverWidth}; option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4', 'M4V', 'MOV', 'FLV', 'Any']; createMySaver (); }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': blipPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': blipSaverWidth, 'warnMess': '!videos'}; createMySaver (); } }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': blipPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': blipSaverWidth, 'warnMess': '!content'}; createMySaver (); } }
// =====Veoh===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('veoh.com/watch') != -1) {
/* Get Video Availability */
if (getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'veoh-video-player-error', 0, false)) return;
/* Get Player Window */
var vePlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'videoPlayerContainer', -1, false);
if (!vePlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Get Videos Content */
var veVideosContent = getMyContent (page.url, '__watch.videoDetailsJSON = \'\\{(.*?)\\}', false); veVideosContent = cleanMyContent (veVideosContent, true);
/* Restyle Player Window */ styleMyElement (vePlayerWindow, {margin: '0px 0px 20px 0px'});
/* Get Videos */
if (veVideosContent) {
var veVideoFormats = {'fullPreviewHashLowPath': 'Very Low Definition MP4', 'fullPreviewHashHighPath': 'Low Definition MP4'};
var veVideoList = {};
var veVideoFound = false;
var veVideoParser, veVideoParse, veVideo, myVideoCode;
for (var veVideoCode in veVideoFormats) { veVideoParser = veVideoCode + '":"(.*?)"'; veVideoParse = veVideosContent.match (veVideoParser); veVideo = (veVideoParse) ? veVideoParse[1] : null; if (veVideo) { if (!veVideoFound) veVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = veVideoFormats[veVideoCode]; veVideoList[myVideoCode] = veVideo; } }
if (veVideoFound) { /* Create Saver */ var veDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; saver = {'saverSocket': vePlayerWindow, 'videoList': veVideoList, 'videoSave': veDefaultVideo, 'saverWidth': 640}; feature['container'] = false; feature['fullsize'] = false; option['definition'] = 'LD'; option['definitions'] = ['Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4']; createMySaver (); }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': vePlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 640}; var veVideoSource = getMyContent(page.url, '"videoContentSource":"(.*?)"', false); if (veVideoSource == 'YouTube') var ytVideoId = getMyContent(page.url, '"videoId":"yapi-(.*?)"', false); if (ytVideoId) { var ytVideoLink = 'http://youtube.com/watch?v=' + ytVideoId; saver['warnMess'] = 'embed'; saver['warnContent'] = ytVideoLink; styleMyElement(vePlayerWindow, {margin: '0px 0px 20px 0px'}); } else saver['warnMess'] = '!videos'; createMySaver (); } }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': vePlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 640, 'warnMess': '!content'}; createMySaver (); } }
// =====Crackle===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('crackle.com/') != -1) {
/* Get Page Type */
var crPageType = getMyContent (page.url, 'meta\\s+property="og:type"\\s+content="(.*?)"', false);
if (!crPageType || crPageType.indexOf('video') == -1) return;
/* Get Player Window */
var crPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'player-stage-area1', 0, false);
if (!crPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Restyle */
if (!getMyElement(crPlayerWindow, 'div', 'class', 'clearall', 0, false)) {
var myClearFix = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (myClearFix, {clear: 'both'}); appendMyElement (crPlayerWindow, myClearFix); }
var crContent = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'content', -1, false); styleMyElement (crContent, {marginTop: '30px'});
var crPlayerImage = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'image-stage-area', 0, false);
if (crPlayerImage) removeMyElement (crPlayerImage.parentNode, crPlayerImage);
/* Get Videos Content */
var crVideoPath = getMyContent (page.url, 'images-us-am.crackle.com\/(.*?_)tnl', false);
if (!crVideoPath) {
var crVideoID = getMyContent (page.url, 'mediaId:\\s*(.*?),', false);
if (crVideoID) { var crVidWallCache = page.win.location.protocol + '//' + page.win.location.hostname + '/app/vidwallcache.aspx?flags=-1&fm=' + crVideoID + '&partner=20'; crVideoPath = getMyContent (crVidWallCache, '\\sp="(.*?)"', false); } }
/* Get Videos */
if (crVideoPath) {
var crVideoList = {};
var crVideoFormats = {'360p.mp4': 'Low Definition MP4', '480p.mp4': 'Standard Definition MP4'};
var crVideoThumb, crVideo, myVideoCode;
for (var crVideoCode in crVideoFormats) { crVideo = 'http://media-us-am.crackle.com/' + crVideoPath + crVideoCode; myVideoCode = crVideoFormats[crVideoCode]; crVideoList[myVideoCode] = crVideo; }
/* Create Saver */
var crDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; saver = {'saverSocket': crPlayerWindow, 'videoList': crVideoList, 'videoSave': crDefaultVideo, 'saverWidth': 970}; feature['container'] = false; option['definition'] = 'SD'; option['definitions'] = ['Standard Definition', 'Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4']; createMySaver ();
/* Fix Thumbnails */
var crThumbs = getMyElement('', 'div', 'class', 'thumbnail', -1, false);
for (var crT = 0; crT < crThumbs.length; crT++) { if (crThumbs[crT].innerHTML.indexOf('AddObjectToQueue') != -1) { var crLink = crThumbs[crT].innerHTML.match(/,\s+\d+,\s+'(.*?)'/); crLink = (crLink) ? crLink[1] : null; var crImg = crThumbs[crT].innerHTML.match(/src="(.*?)"/); crImg = (crImg) ? crImg[1] : null; crThumbs[crT].innerHTML = '<img src="' + crImg + '" onclick="window.location.href=\'' + crLink + '\'" style="cursor:pointer">'; } } }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': crPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 970, 'warnMess': '!videos'}; createMySaver (); }
// =====Viki===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('viki.com/videos') != -1) {
/* Get Player Window */
var vkSaverWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'watch-actions', 0, false);
if (!vkSaverWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Get Video ID */
var vkVideoID = page.url.match(/videos\/(.*?)v/); vkVideoID = (vkVideoID) ? vkVideoID[1] : null;
/* Get Videos Content */
var vkVideosContent;
if (vkVideoID) vkVideosContent = getMyContent (page.win.location.protocol + '//' + page.win.location.host + '/player5_fragment/' + vkVideoID + 'v.json', 'TEXT', false);
/* Style Fix */
var vkShowMain = getMyElement ('', 'section', 'class', 'show-video', 0, false); styleMyElement (vkShowMain, {paddingTop: '20px'});
/* My Saver Socket */
var vkSaverSocket = createMyElement ('div', '', '', '', ''); styleMyElement (vkSaverSocket, {width: '950px', textAlign: 'center', margin: '0px auto'}); appendMyElement (vkSaverWindow, vkSaverSocket);
/* Get Videos */
if (vkVideosContent) {
var vkVideoList = {};
var vkVideo = vkVideosContent.match(/"video_url":"(.*?)"/); vkVideo = (vkVideo) ? vkVideo[1] : null;
var vkVideoThumb = vkVideosContent.match(/"image_url":"(.*?)"/); vkVideoThumb = (vkVideoThumb) ? vkVideoThumb[1] : null;
/* Create Saver */
if (vkVideo) { var vkDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; vkVideoList[vkDefaultVideo] = vkVideo saver = {'saverSocket': vkSaverSocket, 'videoList': vkVideoList, 'videoSave': vkDefaultVideo, 'saverWidth': 950}; feature['definition'] = false; feature['container'] = false; option['definition'] = 'LD'; option['definitions'] = ['Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4']; createMySaver (); }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': vkPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 950, 'warnMess': '!videos'}; createMySaver (); } }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': vkPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 950, 'warnMess': '!content'}; createMySaver (); } }
// =====IMDB===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('imdb.com') != -1) {
/* Redirect To Video Page */
if (page.url.indexOf('imdb.com/video/') == -1) { page.doc.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var p = e.target.parentNode;
while (p) { if (p.tagName === 'A' && p.href.indexOf('/video/imdb') != -1) { page.win.location.href = p.href; } p = p.parentNode; } }, false);
return; }
/* Get Player Window */
var imdbPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'id', 'player-article', -1, false);
if (!imdbPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Get Videos Content */
var imdbVideoList = {};
var imdbVideoFormats = {'1': 'Low Definition MP4', '2': 'Standard Definition MP4', '3': 'High Definition MP4'};
var imdbDefaultVideo, imdbURL, imdbVideo, myVideoCode;
var imdbVideoFound = false;
var imdbVideoRTMP = false;
var imdbPageURL = page.url.replace(/\?.*$/, '').replace(/\/$/, '');
for (var imdbVideoCode in imdbVideoFormats) { imdbURL = imdbPageURL + '/player?uff=' + imdbVideoCode; imdbVideo = getMyContent (imdbURL, 'so.addVariable\\("file",\\s+"(.*?)"\\);', true);
if (imdbVideo) { if (imdbVideo.indexOf('rtmp') != -1) { if (!imdbVideoRTMP) imdbVideoRTMP = true; } else { if (!imdbVideoFound) imdbVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = imdbVideoFormats[imdbVideoCode]; imdbVideoList[myVideoCode] = imdbVideo; if (!imdbDefaultVideo) imdbDefaultVideo = myVideoCode; } } }
if (imdbVideoFound) {
/* Create Saver */ saver = {'saverSocket': imdbPlayerWindow, 'videoList': imdbVideoList, 'videoSave': imdbDefaultVideo, 'saverWidth': 1010}; feature['container'] = false; option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4']; createMySaver (); }
else {
if (imdbVideoRTMP) { saver = {'saverSocket': imdbPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 1010, 'warnMess': '!support'}; createMySaver (); }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': imdbPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 1010, 'warnMess': '!videos'}; createMySaver (); } } }
// =====Facebook===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('facebook.com/video') != -1) {
/* Get Player Window */
var fbPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'stageButtons', 0, false);
if (!fbPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Get Videos Content */
var fbVideosContent = getMyContent(page.url, '"params","(.*?)"', false);
var fbPattern = /\\u([\d\w]{4})/gi; fbVideosContent = fbVideosContent.replace(fbPattern, function (match, group) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(group, 16)); }); fbVideosContent = unescape(fbVideosContent);
/* Get Videos */
if (fbVideosContent) {
var fbVideoList = {};
var fbVideoFormats = {'sd_src': 'Low Definition MP4', 'hd_src': 'High Definition MP4'};
var fbVideoFound = false;
var fbVideoPattern, fbVideo, myVideoCode, fbVideoThumb, fbDefaultVideo;
for (var fbVideoCode in fbVideoFormats) { fbVideoPattern = '"' + fbVideoCode + '":"(.*?)"'; fbVideo = fbVideosContent.match(fbVideoPattern); fbVideo = (fbVideo) ? fbVideo[1] : null; if (fbVideo) { fbVideo = cleanMyContent(fbVideo, false); if (!fbVideoFound) fbVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = fbVideoFormats[fbVideoCode]; if (fbVideo.indexOf('.flv') != -1) myVideoCode = myVideoCode.replace('MP4', 'FLV'); fbVideoList[myVideoCode] = fbVideo; if (!fbDefaultVideo) fbDefaultVideo = myVideoCode; } }
if (fbVideoFound) { /* Create Saver */ saver = {'saverSocket': fbPlayerWindow, 'videoList': fbVideoList, 'videoSave': fbDefaultVideo, 'saverWidth': 760}; option['definitions'] = ['High Definition', 'Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4', 'FLV', 'Any']; createMySaver (); }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': fbPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 760, 'warnMess': '!videos'}; createMySaver (); } }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': fbPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 760, 'warnMess': '!content'}; createMySaver (); } }
// =====YahooScreen===== //
if (page.url.indexOf('screen.yahoo.com') != -1) {
/* Get Player Window */
var ysPlayerWindow = getMyElement ('', 'div', 'class', 'vp-wd', 0, false);
if (!ysPlayerWindow) { showMyMessage ('!player'); }
else {
/* Restyle Player Window */ styleMyElement (ysPlayerWindow, {height: '100%'});
/* Get Videos Content */
var ysVideosContent;
var ysVideoID = getMyContent (page.url, '"first_videoid":"(.*?)"', false);
if (ysVideoID) {
var ysVideoQuery = 'SELECT * FROM yahoo.media.video.streams WHERE id="' + ysVideoID + '" AND format="mp4" AND protocol="http" AND plrs="sdwpWXbKKUIgNzVhXSce__" AND region="US";';
var ysVideoRequest = 'https://video.query.yahoo.com/v1/public/yql?q=' + ysVideoQuery + '&env=prod&format=json'; ysVideosContent = getMyContent(ysVideoRequest, '"streams":\\[(.*?)\\]', false); ysVideoQuery = 'SELECT * FROM yahoo.media.video.streams WHERE id="' + ysVideoID + '" AND format="webm" AND protocol="http" AND plrs="sdwpWXbKKUIgNzVhXSce__" AND region="US";'; ysVideoRequest = 'https://video.query.yahoo.com/v1/public/yql?q=' + ysVideoQuery + '&env=prod&format=json';
if (ysVideosContent) ysVideosContent += ',' + getMyContent(ysVideoRequest, '"streams":\\[(.*?)\\]', false);
else ysVideosContent = getMyContent(ysVideoRequest, '"streams":\\[(.*?)\\]', false); }
else { ysVideosContent = getMyContent(page.url, '"streams":\\[(.*?)\\]', false); }
/* Get Videos */
if (ysVideosContent) {
var ysVideoList = {};
var ysVideoFormats = {'360': 'Low Definition', '432': 'Low Definition', '540': 'Standard Definition', '720': 'High Definition', '1080': 'Full High Definition'};
var ysVideoFound;
var ysVideoParts = ysVideosContent.split('},');
var ysVideoPart, ysVideoPath, ysVideoHost, ysVideoHeight, myVideoCode;
for (var i = 0; i < ysVideoParts.length; i++) { ysVideoPart = ysVideoParts[i]; ysVideoPath = ysVideoPart.match(/"path":"(.*?)"/); ysVideoPath = (ysVideoPath) ? ysVideoPath[1] : null; ysVideoHost = ysVideoPart.match(/"host":"(.*?)"/); ysVideoHost = (ysVideoHost) ? ysVideoHost[1] : null; ysVideoHeight = ysVideoPart.match(/"height":(.*?)\.0/); ysVideoHeight = (ysVideoHeight) ? ysVideoHeight[1] : null; ysVideoType = ysVideoPart.match(/"mime_type":"(.*?)"/); ysVideoType = (ysVideoType) ? ysVideoType[1] : null; if (ysVideoPath && ysVideoHost && ysVideoHeight && ysVideoType) { for (var ysVideoCode in ysVideoFormats) { if (ysVideoCode == ysVideoHeight) { if (!ysVideoFound) ysVideoFound = true; myVideoCode = ysVideoFormats[ysVideoCode] if (ysVideoType == 'video/mp4') myVideoCode += ' MP4'; else
if (ysVideoType == 'video/webm') myVideoCode += ' WebM'; ysVideoList[myVideoCode] = ysVideoHost + ysVideoPath; } } } }
if (ysVideoFound) { /* Create Saver */ var ysDefaultVideo = 'Low Definition MP4'; saver = {'saverSocket': ysPlayerWindow, 'videoList': ysVideoList, 'videoSave': ysDefaultVideo, 'saverWidth': 640}; option['definitions'] = ['Full High Definition', 'High Definition', 'Standard Definition', 'Low Definition', 'Very Low Definition']; option['containers'] = ['MP4', 'WebM', 'Any']; createMySaver (); styleMyElement(saver['saverPanel'], {padding: '0px 0px 7px 0px'}); }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': ysPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 640, 'warnMess': '!videos'}; createMySaver (); } }
else { saver = {'saverSocket': ysPlayerWindow, 'saverWidth': 640, 'warnMess': '!content'}; createMySaver (); } }
출처: <https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/1484-savetube/code?version=33844>