추천해외웹호스팅 "Justhost.com" 서버 성능 업그레이드 공지

추천해외웹호스팅 "Justhost.com" 서버 성능 업그레이드 공지

개인적으로 트래픽 때문에 해외에서 호스팅을 받고있는데요.   그곳이 저스트호스팅닷컴인데... 공지메일이 날아왔네요.

서버업그레이드 작업이 있었다고...  리눅스 버전 업그레이드가 있었군요.

보안과 성능 개선을 위해서라는데...  통상 호스팅 업체들이 OS자체의 업그레이드는 꺼리는 편인데..

저스트호스팅 이용하시는 분은 참고하세요.

We're pleased to inform you that your server will be undergoing a major software upgrade, from CentOS 5 to CentOS 6, within the next 48 hours.

This upgrade includes newer software packages (including Python, Perl and gcc), as well as all the security and performance benefits that come along with CentOS 6. In addition to this, the server will be redeployed with a different file system type simultaneously, further increasing performance.

Although a bulk of the upgrades to your server are being done with it online and functional, in order to safely finalize these changes our Administrators will need to temporarily take your server offline in the early morning hours.  Barring any extenuating circumstances this outage should only last about 2 hours.

Please note that while we do not anticipate your software having problems post-update, it may be required to re-compile any module(s) you are using to take advantage of the newer included libraries. We suggest reviewing your site afterward to verify that it is functioning as it should.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Just Host Support
For support go to http://helpdesk.justhost.com/
: (888) 755-7585

2012/02/05 - [웹호스팅/해외웹호스팅] - 안정적인 해외웹호스팅 justhost.com 가입하기

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