adobe flash player 9.0 버전 다운로드하기.. 웹링크 아님 , 티스토리 파일업로드 장애 해결법

adobe flash player 9.0 버전을 어렵게 어렵게 찾았네요..
네이버에 올라와 있는 파일은 설치하니..
오류가 나네요..

아래 분할압축한 파일을 참고하세요..

adobe flash player 10 버전을 사용할 경우 일부 게시판이나..
티스토리 파일업로드시에 업로드가 실행안되는 증상이 있습니다.


기존에 설치된 플래시 플레이어 삭제하는 프로그램입니다.


플래시 플레이어 9.0 버전 분할압축입니다. 알집으로 분할 압축했습니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

티스토리 파일업로드 부분

사용자 삽입 이미지

정상적으로 작동하는 모습...정상적으로 작동하지 않을 경우에 플래시 플레이어 9.0 버전으로 다시 설치하시면 됩니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

압축 파일의 파란색 부분을 설치하시면 됩니다.

플래시 플레이어 9.0 다운로드 웹경로

Flash Player 9

Adobe Flash Player 9 Update for Flash CS3 Professional

4/17/2008 This download contains fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB08-11 — Flash Player update available to address security vulnerabilities. The update replaces the Debug and Release versions of Flash Player 9 browser plugins, standalone players, and Test Movie players. All users should apply this update.  These new players are version

The Flash Player 9 updates are included in the ZIP file. For instructions on how to update Flash 9, please go to this technote.

Adobe Flash Player 9 — Debugger Versions (aka debug players or content debuggers) for Flex and Flash Developers

4/8/2008 Updated debugger versions of Flash Player 9 (aka debug players or content debuggers) are available for Flex Builder 3 users and Flash CS3 Professional users. These new players are version

4/8/2008 Updated Linux debugger versions (aka debug players or content debuggers) of Flash Player 9 are now available. Additionally, the Linux standalone player (projector) is available for developers who wish to publish projectors on Linux operating systems.

Adobe Flash Player 9 — Standalone Players (Projectors) for Macintosh

4/8/2008 New Universal Binary Flash Player 9 Projectors are available for users of Intel-based Macintosh computers.  Download the Flash Player 9 Standalone players:

For developers who wish to publish projectors on the Macintosh, we have provided these downloads, which contain the latest version ( of the Macintosh standalone (projector) players for all the following languages: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Korean.

Flash Player 8

Macromedia Flash Player 8 Update for Flash Professional 8 and Flash Basic 8

4/17/2008 This download contains fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB08-11 — Flash Player update available to address security vulnerabilities. The update replaces the Debug and Release versions of Flash Player 8 browser plugins, standalone players, and Test Movie players. All users should apply this update.  These new players are version

The Flash Player 8 updates are included in the ZIP file. For instructions on how to update Flash 8, please go to this technote.

Macromedia Flash Player 8 — Standalone Players (Projectors) for Macintosh

4/08/2008 Download the Flash Player 8 standalone players:

For developers who wish to publish projectors on the Macintosh, we have provided this download, which contains the latest version (8.0.r42) of the Macintosh standalone (projector) players for all the following languages: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Korean. Because Flash Basic 8 and Flash MX Professional 8 are not available on the Macintosh in Korean, Chinese Simplified, or Chinese Traditional, this download is the only way to obtain the standalone players for the Macintosh in these three languages.

Flash Player version contains fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB08-11 – Flash Player update available to address security vulnerabilities.

Local Content Updater

Macromedia Flash Local Content Updater

The Local Content Updater (LCU) is a free command-line utility that can add, remove, or check for local-with-networking privileges, operating on one or many SWFs. This tool allows you to change the security sandbox that the SWF file operates in when it is played as a local file in Flash Player 8 and above.

C++ source code for the Local Content Updater is also available. Download the source code if you wish to see how the Local Content Updater works, port it to another platform, investigate bugs, integrate it into scripts, etc.

If you have suggestions, bug reports, or contributions regarding the Local Content Updater, send email to Please note that this email address is only for issues regarding the Local Content Updater itself, and not for general issues regarding security in the Flash Player.


Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller

Download the Flash Player Uninstaller for the following platforms:

TThe Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller is a valuable tool for troubleshooting and testing detection schemes. The most current uninstallers and instructions for use can be found in this Tech Note.